1 November 2024 to 1 March 2025 (inclusive)
1. Permits may only be issued on a daily basis.
- Permits are only issued for the purpose of protective burning (around houses, sheds etc.)
- Permits are valid between the hours of 4pm and mid-night. Hours of burning may be shortened as a condition of the permits, e.g. usual practice for town is burning between 6pm and 11pm only.
- Permits will only be issued up to 11pm on 14 December during this period.
- At least 3 people must be in attendance for the duration of the burn.
19 September 2024 to 31 October 2024 and 1 March 2025 to 29 March 2025 (inclusive)
- Permits may be issued for a duration of up to 1 week.
- Hours of burning may be imposed as a condition of the permit.
- At least 3 people must be in attendance for the duration of the burn.
- A condition of all Permits is that immediately prior to lighting up the Permit holder is required to phone and advise the staff at the Shire Office (to prevent false emergencies) on 9887 1066.
- The Restricted or Prohibited Burning Times may be shortened, extended or suspended if seasonal conditions warrant such a variation.
- Variations to these periods may only be effected for a period of up to fourteen days.
- Variations to the Restricted/Prohibited Burning Times will be notified to the DFES, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, adjoining local governments and published in a newspaper circulating in the district.
- That as a matter of Policy, Fire Control Officers be instructed that within the Restricted Burning Period, Permits to Burn may be issued on Public Holidays and Sundays with the exception of Easter falling within this period.
- Fire Control Officers issuing burning permits may impose any additional requirements or directions on a permit further to those shown on the reverse of the permit form e.g. burning not to commence before a certain time, fire fighting equipment/units to be on hand etc.
- Burning permits are automatically cancelled if the fire danger rating for the Shire is “Very High”, “Severe”, “Extreme” or “Catastrophic”. Fire Control Officers may also cancel permits if prevailing conditions are considered by them to be too dangerous for burning to be commenced.
- It is an offence to obtain a burning permit from an Officer if a request for such a permit has already been denied by another Officer.
- Permit holders must notify adjoining owners or occupiers of land and the Shire of Pingelly on the day upon which they propose to burn. Such notice may be communicated verbally.
- Requests for permission to burn Shire of Pingelly controlled reserves and road reserve/verges must be directed to the Chief Executive Officer who has delegated authority to deny or approve applications. Approvals may be given with such conditions as the Chief Executive Officer may apply.
This notice is a reminder to all residents that once fire hazard reduction and firebreak installation has been carried out by the 1 November, the hazard reduction should be maintained throughout the entire Restricted & Prohibited Burning Periods. For example, if a tree falls across your firebreak this should be removed as soon as possible to maintain a hazard free firebreak.