Flying the Flag at the Shire Office

The Shire of Pingelly proudly flies the Australian and Aboriginal flags during business hours unless prohibited by weather conditions. However during times of significance it is appropriate to fly these flags at half mast. The Shire may fly flags at half-mast on specific occasions to commemorate a solemn occasion, including:
- To coincide with national, state or regionally significant events (generally at the behest of the various levels of government protocol arrangements);
- When a current or former Elected Member passes away;
- When a current or former Citizen of the Year passes away;
- When a current Shire employee passes away;
- When a person is buried in the Pingelly Cemetery; or
- On the request of a member of the community as a sign of mourning (if approved).
If the occasion above occurs on a day other than an ordinary working day, the Shire may fly flags at half-mast on the business day prior to the occasion when the Shire is open to the public.
To request the flags to fly at half mast as a sign of mourning, please contact the Shire on 08 9887 1066, or here.