
Rate income is used to provide and maintain a variety of services and facilities. These include roads, parks, community services and recreational facilities. Rates are 36.2% of the Shire's operating revenue.

This year, Council has adopted 2024/25 Budget that features a 3.5% increase in rate revenue. Note that this is an overall revenue figure and may not be reflected on individual rate notices. Minimum rates have increased by 3.5% to $1080. Rubbish and recycling service charges have increased to $395.50 per service. This revenue is required in order to meet rising costs, provide for the ongoing needs of the community, to retain current services and facilities and to achieve the objectives of the Pingelly Community Plan.

This increase represents a total increase of rate revenue for the Shire of $75,701 on the previous financial year. It is anticipated that it will cost over 10.5% ($798,975) more this year than last year to provide the same level of services. These costs are outside of the Shire’s control. The Shire is experiencing significant operating cost increases, notably costs of purchasing materials and services which is expected to increase by 7.5% ($151,929) when compared with the previous financial year budget. It is anticipated that it will cost over 10.5% ($798,975) more this year than last year to provide the same level of services.

Gross Rental Value and Unimproved Value

Two types of rating systems are used in the Shire of Pingelly:

  • Gross Rental Value (GRV) for land within the townsite; and
  • Unimproved Value (UV) for land outside the townsite.

GRV valuations occur every 4 years while UV valuations occur every year. This year, rates are calculated at 11.7256 cents for each dollar for the GRV value of properties within the townsite and 0.5901 cents for each dollar for the UV value of properties outside the townsite. UV land is revalued annually.

For the last number of years, the total value of UV land within the Shire increased by more than the increase in total rate revenue on this land leading to a reduction in the rates levied for each dollar from 0.855 cents for each dollar in 2022/23, 0.7294 in 2023/24 and now 0.5901 2024/25. 


GRV property valuations occurs every 4 years while UV property valuations occurs every year. A valuation for GRV properties was completed in 2024/25.

Valuations for all properties are conducted by the Office of the Valuer General. If you wish to object to the valuation of your property, you must lodge an objection with the Valuer General within 60 days of the original issue date of the rate notice. For information on how your values are calculated and how to lodge an objection, please visit Landgate’s website landgate.wa.gov.au/valuations, or alternatively call Landgate Customer Service on +61 (0)8 9273 7373.

If an objection has been lodged, rates must still be paid by the nominated due dates whilst the valuation is reviewed. If your valuation is lowered as a result of your objection, the appropriate amount of rates will be credited to your property assessment. If your valuation has increased as a result of your objection, a further rate notice will be forwarded.

Why do I pay rates?

Rates are levied on all rateable properties to contribute to a wide range of essential services and facilities. Income from rates assists Council in providing infrastructure such as roads, footpaths, sporting facilities, buildings, bridges, drainage, waste services, the caravan park and swimming pool. In addition, services such as medical services, the library service delivered from the Pingelly Community Resource Centre, and some community events are funded through income from rates.

Pensioner And Senior Rebates/Deferments

Pensioners who meet the eligibility criteria below, are entitled to claim a rebate of 50% off the current year’s rates, capped at $750 for 2024/25 or you may defer payment of those rates. Seniors meeting the eligibility criteria may claim a rebate of up to 25%, capped at $100 for 2024/25. If eligible for a rebate or deferment, rubbish charges must still be paid within 35 days of the issue of the rate notice.

If you become an eligible pensioner and/or senior during the financial year, you may receive a pro-rata rebate for the remaining period upon application.

Pensioners and seniors looking to apply for the concession on local government rates and water service charges can submit an application form to register by following the link to www.watercorporation.com.au or by contacting the Water Corporation on 1300 659 951.

Change Of Concession Details

You must contact the Shire of Pingelly rates department immediately if you are a Pensioner and the following circumstances have changed:

  • You are issued a new concession card
  • Your current concession card is cancelled or has expired
  • Your original application details have or will soon have changed
  • You sell, transfer and interest in all or part of your property
  • You or your spouse, cease occupation of the property
  • Your contact details change

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for concessions, an applicant must:

  1. Be the owner and reside in the property on 1st July of the rating year;
  2. If a Pensioner, either;
    1. be in receipt of a pension and hold a pensioner concession card or State concession card; or
    2. hold both a Seniors card issued by the Office of Senior Interests and a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
  3. If a Senior:
    1. hold a Seniors card issued by the Office of Senior Interests.

Payment Of Rates

Ratepayers may elect to pay in full with no associated charges. Other payment options are in two or four equal instalments for which fees and interest charges will be levied. Due dates plus associated fees/charges are displayed on the front of your rate notice. If you wish to pay your rates by instalments, you must pay the first instalment by the due date.

If paying your rates by mail, please ensure that your payment is posted with sufficient time to reach the Shire office by the due date. Payments received after the due date will automatically incur interest charges. Please note that Council will not accept responsibility for delays in postal services.

Change Of Ownership

Notice must be given to Council within 21 days whenever a person sells or otherwise disposes of land. Details of land description, and the name and address of the new owner must be stated.

Change Of Address

Please advise Council in writing of any change of address to which notices are sent. The assessment number should be quoted on all such correspondence.

Alternatively, please click here to download a change of address form.

If you would like to place an objection in regard to the valuation of your property, please download the objection to valuation form.


Senior Finance Officer
Phone: (08) 9887 1066
Email: susan.heazlewood@pingelly.wa.gov.au