Previous consultation undertaken by the Shire indicated the community ranked ‘youth engagement’ as the most critical issue facing Pingelly into the next decade. In response the Shire is preparing the Youth Strategy 2021-25 to formally acknowledge its commitment to supporting young people in Pingelly.

For the first time, a whole of  community, structured framework will be developed to guide the Shire’s involvement in youth    service provision and ensure young people are formally considered in decision making and future planning.

The Shire has a leadership role in understanding and responding to the needs of young people in the community and representing their interests to other spheres of Government and the broader community. The priorities outlined in the Strategy will be used to inform the program of work undertaken by the Shire and local youth service providers.

The Shire acknowledges the significant period of change in a young person’s life as they transition from childhood to adulthood. This Strategy will articulate the support and opportunities to enable young people to remain connected to community.

Project Updates

Pingelly Youth Network Meeting #1 | 2 December 2020

Launch of the Pingelly Youth Network | 10 November 2020


Community Development Officer


Phone: 9887 1066